In this special Thanksgiving episode of Call to Freedom, Barbara Carmack and her daughter Kimberly share a heartfelt conversation from Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Reflecting on the beauty of family, faith, and the promises of God, they delve into the book of Zechariah, focusing on God’s jealous love for His people and His plans to restore and rebuild hearts as His dwelling place.
Barbara and Kimberly discuss how God removes hearts of stone, replacing them with hearts of flesh that beat for Him, and how His spirit—not human might—brings restoration and unity. As Thanksgiving and Christmas draw near, they encourage listeners
[Music] Welcome to Call to Freedom with Barbar Carmac. This is Jimmy Lakey and I’m delighted that you are joining us for this half hour. You can reach Call to Freedom at box 370-367 Denver, Colorado, 802-37 or by going to the website at If you want to leave a message or order a word-powered daily reading Bible guide or a Freedom Street Express newsletter, you can call us toll-free at 1-877-917-7256 and leave your name and address including your zip code. If you want to talk to Barbara right now, she is expecting your call. You may call that same toll-free number 1-877-917-7256 to speak to her. And now let’s join Barbara in the studio. Welcome to Call to Freedom. I’m so happy you joined us today and I am sitting at a table in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma with my daughter Kimberly. It seems so strange but beautiful. Oh, it is beautiful and you got to see our fall colors down here. Oh, you have the most beautiful tree. Red, bright red leaves. I had to go out today and just sit under the leaves for a while. It’s almost as if it’s glowing. It’s so beautiful. It is. It’s gorgeous. My day yesterday was beautiful. I started in the morning, Tuesday morning at 330 in the morning and got here at 330 in the afternoon and just a beautiful drive, no construction. The whole sky was cloudy so I didn’t have a whole lot of sun in my eyes and they took the toll booths, Kimberly, out of the highway. Yes, we’ve had a lot of toll booths throughout the years. Yes, and you always have to stop at the toll booths and give them money. And boy, now it’s just smooth going through where they had been. So I’m just so happy to be here and so happy to have you. And see Levi and Jonathan came in yesterday to pick up a cheesecake from you for his friends. Got a hug from him. Yes, so it’s just been wonderful. I hope all of you listening, my special friends and my loved ones are going to just have an absolutely joyful day in thanking God and we’re going to talk about that that our bodies and our spirits were made to thank you Lord. And so we thank you right now for what you have done and what you’re going to do as we talk in Zachariah about the future ahead of us. Praise the Lord. Yes, I actually just want to handle one more item of business just making sure people are putting it on their calendar for your Christmas meeting December 14th. December 14th. So Saturday, December 14th, we are planning on worshiping and celebrating the birth of our Lord together. If you are available for that, please call 1 877 9177256 and let us know that you’re coming. We want to be able to anticipate your arrival. That’s right. And we were supposed to have the turkey and the sweet potatoes and the scalp potatoes for Thanksgiving and it wound up to be a snow storm. So now we’re going to have that same dinner in December on the 14th. It will be fresh. We didn’t cook it and then save it like we’re saving it. I’m just making sure that the listeners know we’re going to have fresh food. We’re going to have fresh fresh turkey. Absolutely. Absolutely. Oh, it’s so good to be with my sweet daughter here. And to see, folks, the technology that is out there for us to communicate with the whole world, the love of Jesus is just awe inspiring for me, Kimberly. It really is. Yeah, that we can just sit at this table in my room and connect with this one device and have our little earbuds in our ears and talk to all of you. Yes. Oh, how exciting. It is. It’s amazing. It’s amazing to go through Zachariah. You started talking about that yesterday and I love Zachariah 46, not by my, nor by power, but by my spirit. And in these last days, we’ve got to defend, depend on Holy Spirit friends. We really do. I, you know what? That’s Holy Spirit that brought that scripture up to you. I’m so glad we’re starting with that one because that is, that was the whole point that I wanted to pull out of these scriptures. It’s the Lord’s doing. It’s not by human might or human power. It’s by the Lord’s strength that He is doing this work, that He is showing up. And when we got to chapter 8 yesterday, I was pointing out that He is jealous for Zion. He is fiercely jealous for Zion. And what is Zion? And we asked that yesterday and I was just saying, it’s not a city. There is no city, actual geographic city, that has ever been named. It’s Zion. This is specifically the people that He loves. He loves His people. He loves His people. Do you remember the group in the 80s? We went to hear them one time. And their album was called Zion in our hearts. And that is a perfect description of what you’re talking about, Kimberly. Zion is our hearts when we’ve given it to the Lord and He knows we are His people. Yes, that’s where Zion is in the hearts of His people. And I did bring up yesterday that we can tend to use that phrase, His people. We can use it in a way that is exclusive. But when we think of Jesus and the way that He was hanging on across, saying, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they’re doing, them and they.” He was covering all the Romans, all of them, all the disciples, the ones who had betrayed Him. He was covering every Pharisee that had been teasing, taunting, bullying, trying to put Him up there. So all the religious spirits, the people that had really let Him down. He was covering them all with this forgiveness. So He’s not being exclusive with His them, Father, forgive them for they know not what they’re doing. He’s not being exclusive. He died for everyone. That all may come to the Father. And I know that we have decisions to make, but that is between every individual and the Lord. And it’s not up to us to be exclusive and try to decide who His people are. That’s right. We’re not a panel of judges. We’re not judging people. And as you’re listening today, I want you to know that you are accepted when you look to Jesus Christ, you are accepted in this Zion concept. And even tomorrow, if you don’t have family around you, you’ve got the family of God who are there for you, reach out and we will absolutely communicate with you. Anytime that you want us to call you back at 1-877-917-7256, we’ll call you back and let you know how much He loves you and cares for you. Yes. Yes. Okay. Now, that just reminded me I’ve got a little homework to do because you usually get all of those messages on that number from your office. Yes. And I know that I can get them while you’re here in Oklahoma, but I haven’t done that homework to find out. If you get a delayed response from us, would you please forgive us? We’re just trying to figure it all out. Thank you. But we are excited to get with you for Christmas and to celebrate with you. So that December 14th put it on your calendar Saturday. We would love to see you. And you can hear that phone number again at the end of the program. But let’s get back to Zechariah because you mentioned it’s not by power, but by my spirit says the Lord. And then in chapter 8 it says that the Lord is jealous for Zion. He is fiercely jealous for Zion and he has returned. Here, thus says the Lord. I have returned to Zion and I will dwell in Jerusalem and Jerusalem will be called the city of faithfulness. Yes. And he mentions in Ezekiel 11 verse 19 and again in Ezekiel 36 you will read these words. I will take out the heart of stone and put within you a heart of flesh, then you will be tender towards me. That’s so important, Kimberly. We’ve got to change some of the things that we’ve done. We’ve got to change our mind with some of these concepts because he’s longing for us. As you said, he’s jealous to know us. And we can’t take that stony heart out. Only he can do that work. All we can do is ask him. Yes. And be available. Yes. Be yielding and available. Yes. Yes. And I believe he brought up the heart and what God needs to do with the heart because when he returns to Zion and dwells in Jerusalem, Jerusalem is like saying the heart of Israel because Jerusalem is that capital city and it will be called faithful and true. And we are that temple where he wants to dwell. We were looking that up earlier. First Corinthians 3, 16 talks about us being his temple. And also first Corinthians 6, 19 and 20. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit. So we need to remember that. We are his sanctuary and our sanctuary space sometimes doesn’t feel much like a sanctuary when we bring family back into it and some of us are getting ready to do that for Thanksgiving for Christmas. When we have family members come back in and there’s been some conflict between or just tension. I’m coming right out of those years of teenagers who are really wanting to find their own way in life and make their own decisions and they’re different from mine. So then my space doesn’t feel very much like a sanctuary. And I wonder if the Lord, if that’s when he’s like, okay, they’re in their teenage stages. I just need to walk away for a little bit here. But here in Zechariah 8 it says, I have returned. So he is. He is returning. He has returned. He has turned his face towards you and loves you greatly. And he is a part of this. He’s a part of this life here. And what seems in verse 6 of Zechariah 8, what seems impossible to these people in those days, will it really be impossible for me to? This is the Lord asking, there’s nothing impossible for him. Nothing too difficult. So as we pray over our family members and our friends as we’re coming together, we know there’s nothing impossible. He can bring a soft heart to every individual and give us all a goal, a dream, an ideal for family gatherings that are like-minded and harmonious. Yes. It’s a little thing yesterday when I was, I usually try to gas at Colby Kansas and then not until Wichita. And so I knew as I was coming to Wichita because it had been windy that I was not going to be making the gas mileage that I usually do. Oh, you were in a headwind. Yeah. So when I got to Quick Trip in Wichita, I gasped up and during that time I did not look at the gas gauge because I knew that would get me anxious. And so I was just singing praise songs and thanking God for providing for me, directing me, being my guide. And when I got there, my tank is a 16 gallon, I believe, and it was 15.8. So I knew when you know, friend, when you know God has directed you to something, you know he’s going to take care of it because you’re in his heart, he is jealous for you. That’s right. So jealous for you. That’s right. And you might have family members who have not made a choice for the Lord. That can cause a certain amount of tension all by itself because sometimes they don’t even want to hear. But you know what? The Lord is moving right now. He is showing up in every community, in every heart. He really is on the move and I believe he’s already softening hearts. And as we gather together, we will see that God is rescuing his people. It says that in Zechariah 8.7 and I went over this yesterday, but I felt like I was kind of rushing a little bit. And if we just slow down and look at how it is the Lord who rescues, we don’t even have to say a word we can pray and we can trust. I know that he loves finding his people. Us, he loves finding us in that place of rest and trust. Where we’re just at calm and we’re calmly expecting him to come through in the lives of others who haven’t quite made it to him yet. That’s right. We might think, oh Lord, I can just see you right now for your sons and daughters. You’re saying, oh Lord, bring them the truth. They’ve been living in a lie. They’ve been listening to the wrong voices and please give them truth. Well right there in that scripture, Kimberly, he is a God of truth and righteousness. And he’s going to take that love, that immense love he has and just surround your loved ones, even the ones that are obstinate and rebellious. He’s going to begin to start wrapping them around with that truth and that righteousness. Yes. Because he’s the one that’s jealous for their hearts. He’s ready to have his sanctuary back. And it’s their heart. That’s their heart. He loves them more than we do. I know we can’t believe that sometimes because our hearts are full of our love for our children, even the wayward ones. But Kimberly, he’s got such a big heart. So my speaker is an artist, right? Yes. And he says, I will rescue my people from the lands of the east and the east means the ones who have walked away from him who are in rebellion. So he’s rescuing them from that rebellion. That’s what this says. He will rescue his people from the rebellion and also from the lands of the west where they’ve been sitting in maybe stewing in a religious spirit. Because in the west, those are the ones who say that they’re following him. But wow, we can make a religion of it real fast. And that’s a stench. So he will bring them home to dwell in Jerusalem. They shall be my people and I will be their God in truth and sincerity. And my new American standard says righteousness. So that word righteousness means I am in right standing with God. There’s no more dividing line, no more enmity, no more wall of division. But I’m now right with God. Yes. And it’s beautiful. And really just coming into agreement with him, he’s always right. That’s what makes him righteous. He’s right. You know, right. Amen. So I love coming into agreement with that. Oh, it’s so good. He’s telling us to take courage and to not be fearful in chapter 8 of Zechariah. Don’t be afraid. Take courage. These foundations were laid a long time ago. And the foundations were laid so that the rebuilding of the temple will happen. I love that. It’s being rebuilt. That means it was torn down. That means there was brokenness. And I heard a message about the walk to Emmaus when the disciples that were on that road to Emmaus and Jesus came alongside them and started talking. They couldn’t see him. They didn’t even know it was him. Until they ended up, and by the way, they were walking away from Jerusalem to Emmaus, they were supposed to wait in Jerusalem. So they’re walking away. They’re walking away. And they didn’t know it was Jesus until they were eating together and Jesus broke bread. The bread. Something has to break before our eyes are opened. It’s so true. You know, so it’s okay that something needs to be rebuilt. That’s what the Lord is all about. I like how Papa used to say, Darren, I called Darren Papa. He used to say God is in the restoration business. Oh, that’s right. That’s what he’s doing. He’s restoring. That means that something broke. And our eyes are opened when it has broken. So then we can look forward to the rebuilding of the sanctuary, the rebuilding of the temple, where the Lord Himself will dwell in our hearts that are restored, revived. I loved this. For before that time, the earnings of men were nothing. They were nil. And prophets from beasts were nothing. It was not safe to go about one’s business on account of enemies. And it says, “I, the Lord, is speaking. I have set all men against one another. But now I will not treat the remnant of this people as before.” Declare the Lord of hosts, but what it soes will prosper. Oh, praise God. So we’re entering this new season. And I feel such an excitement for it. Because there were seasons where we just felt like we were chasing our tails and there was no prophet coming from that. And it felt like there was one group of people against another all the time. Yes. And the exosciences of the people who were against each other and going on and on and debating, giving each other terrible names, it’s exhausting. It takes energy to do that. And now we have a hope. That word “hope” Kimberly is maybe a word that we don’t think of very often. But if we lose hope, we’ve just lost about everything that the future holds for us. And wow, what hope. What hope we have in this future. Yes. Hope. Because our Lord has not left us. He may be angry for a moment. For a moment. But it does not last. His loving kindness is what lasts. That’s right. It’s everlasting. And his favor. Oh, his favor. Praise the Lord. I am seeing here in verse 12 of chapter 8 that we will have produce that’s coming. The ground will produce its yield and the skies will provide moisture. And I will bestow all these things upon the remnant of this people, the remnant of this people. And just as you were a curse among the nations, oh, house of Judah and house of Israel. So when I vindicate you, you shall become a blessing. Now let’s not forget that we read up here in verse 7 that he’s going to rescue his people. And that we don’t know exactly who his people are. We can’t be the ones to know. So if I choose to believe it’s everybody on the planet, that could be the remnant because there are already people, billions of people who’ve been here before us and who have passed on. And now we have this group that’s here right now. And there are those people that may have made their life’s work to categorize people. Well, this group of people because they drink and because they smoke and they go to bars. This kind of people because they’re just religious fanatics. And we categorize to the point where we’re hurting the remnant of God that he wants to raise up in peace and righteousness. We are becoming the judge and the jury. We can’t do that. No, no more. We’re not doing that. Do you see Kimberly? Do you see the walls coming down? Yes, they are. They are. And that’s why I was so excited to read that God himself is coming to rescue his people from the rebellion. He’s coming to rescue them from their own judgment, their own religious spirits. He’s coming to vindicate them and make them a blessing. Look at that. Even though you’ve been a curse among the nations, I will vindicate you and you shall become a blessing. So have no fear. Do not fear. Take courage. Take courage. That’s so great. And this is the Lord of Hosts. Just as I planned to afflict you and did not relent when your fathers provoked me to anger, said the Lord of Hosts. So at this time, I have turned. And you said in the NASB, it says, I have purpose. Purposed. And planned to do good to Jerusalem in your heart and to the house of Judah. So have no fear. There’s so fun. That was so fun. We’re reading from the Tanakh right now. It’s a Hebrew and Kimberly goes from the right to the left. Oh, you’re reading. Yes. I found that really fun to watch. So you used it from– Yeah, I get so used to flipping these pages. It’s so different because it is from the right to the left. And then you will flip yours and you’re in your Bible. And I want to tell you, oh, that’s the wrong way. Because I’m so caught up in going right to left. And that’s the way the Jewish people write from the Orthodox Jewish people. The Hebrew. Yes, they write from the right from the right to the left. So that’s something we need to learn. It’s like when you go to a foreign country and the steering wheel of your car is on the wrong side. No, it’s not. We just have to learn to do something the way the people of that country are doing it. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, I’m going to keep going in Zechariah here, chapter 8. And just looking now at verse 19, in chapter 7, I mentioned that there were fasts that people had been fasting in four different months of the year. And now God is saying that we won’t need that anymore. Those occasions will become occasions for joy and gladness and happy festivals. Aren’t you glad? It’s Thanksgiving. And you do not have to fast. Would we fast? Well, we would fast. Oh, praise the Lord. The fast that God has chosen Kimberly is to set the captives free. That’s right. It’s in Isaiah 58. It’s a wonderful chapter on God’s take of fasting. Yes. Not in the physical way, but in a spiritual way. Yes. And when you’re addicts cleaned out and getting everything clean and pure and holy before him. Yeah. And when you say addict, I’m thinking metaphorically, did you mean your brain? Yeah. Your brain. Change our minds. Yes. Because we do need a clean out. Wow. Our thoughts can just go crazy. And usually they’re either very prideful or they’re condemning ourselves. And we’re really hard on ourselves. Yes. Good to fast those things and say, you know what I bring this to you? What do you have to say, Lord? And how do you want your sanctuary? What mood do you want to set in your sanctuary? Oh, that’s right. What tone would you like your sanctuary to have in it? What kind of Thanksgiving, joy, peace, would you enjoy? And can you make that happen in my mind? Yes. Oh my goodness. How many of us ask? Yes. And be not conformed to this world any longer, have the thoughts of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Through the word of God, Kimberly, it’s got to be that. That is God’s love letter for you, friend. Yes. His love letter. Yes. This says that peoples in inhabitants of many cities shall come and they’ll come to each other once they’ll go to the other and they’ll say, let us go and entreat the favor of the Lord. Let us seek the Lord of hosts. I will go to and the many peoples and the multitude of nations will come to seek the Lord of hosts. Please God. This is exciting because if you do have friends and family members that your heart is just aching for this is saying the Lord will do it. He will do it. He will do it. He will return. That’s right. And it’s not on us. It’s not on our shoulders. We can’t be more jealous for those people than God himself is. That’s right. They’re his people. So we just are in agreement with you that as you come together with family and friends, that we will all be finding the Lord. We will have soft hearts. He will pull that stony heart out and replace it with a heart of flesh that beats hard for him. He will give us ears to hear him and eyes to see him. And we will all come together in unity and harmony. Oh praise God. So we wish you all a happy Thanksgiving. God bless you. You know that we love you and we want you to take joy. Thank you for listening to Call to Freedom with Barbara Carmack. You may get in touch with Barbara at Call to Freedom. Box 370-367 Denver, Colorado 80237. Or you may leave your message at 1-877-917-7256. Call to Freedom is a listener supported radio ministry. Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up Call to Freedom Ministry. Power partners support Call to Freedom with Prayer and Monthly Financial Support. You will be blessed supernaturally. We invite you to visit Call to Freedom’s website,, where you can hear Barbara’s daily radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials. You may share your praise reports in heart prize by mailing them to Call to Freedom. Box 370-367 Denver, Colorado 80237. Or you may email us at Barbara Carmack at Until next time, remember Jesus loves you, Barbara loves you, and take joy. [Music]