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Concepts of Faith with Charles Capps


Concepts of Faith

Our Mission intent is simple…to print, publish and broadcast the Word of God, teaching faith and the power of the spoken word without limitation. We will pursue every means available to continue and build upon the past 47 years of ministry, fulfilling the desire of helping people to understand the Bible, spiritual truths Jesus taught and find a practical Biblical solution to the circumstances of their lives.

Mission Statement: to share the practical teachings of God’s Word so that it will make a difference in the everyday lives of those who hear it.

How we do this:
1. We print and distribute teaching pamphlets and letters to partners, shut ins, and the elderly who cannot attend church services free of charge.
2. We print and distribute our books as well as make donations of books to prison ministries, and chaplains free of charge.
3. The radio broadcast is a large part of our expenses, yet it is broadcast five days a week free of charge to the listeners.
4. Free Audio & Video teaching is available to the public on our website, media center, YouTube, Roku, Apple, and social media.
5. Our largest (and most expensive) outreach is the TV teaching programs that reach millions of potential viewers on major Christian networks and independent stations.

With our Partners’ help, we will be enabled to keep pace with the technology now developing to reach current and future generations.

Our Call

God called and ordained Charles Capps to teach faith and the power of words. Although the ministry and office of Charles Capps is that of a teacher, many people have been healed, delivered and accepted Christ as their Lord.

The anointing of the teacher brings light, revelation and understanding of the scriptures. These teachings are just as relevant today as they were when Charles began his ministry. Which is why we continue broadcasting these teachings via television, radio, internet, print, and spoken word still today.

Annette Capps is the President and CEO of Capps Ministries and along with continuing her father’s radio ministry, she now now the host of Concepts of Faith television program, and authored seven books including Quantum Faith and her newest release The Spirit of Prophecy. She brings a balanced message of the supernatural and the natural as she continues to write, teach, and minister.

The hallmark teachings of Charles Capps are: Faith and the Power of Words. Jesus taught that when you pray, you will receive what you believe and have faith for. Words are very important as Jesus emphasized that if you believe what you say it will come to pass.

For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. (Mark 11:23-24)
Exposing and Dispelling Religious Myths and Damaging Misinterpretation of Scriptures
Millions of people are held in religious bondage through the misunderstanding of scriptures. Questions such as:
Does God cause sickness for His glory?
Do all things work together for good?
What about Job?
Are trials a test from God?
How does God chasten Christians?

These questions can be answered by rightly dividing the Word of God. Preconceived religious ideas can cause doubt in God’s willingness to help us and hinder our faith.

The Believer’s Authority in the Earth
God has given us authority and dominion in the earth through the name of Jesus and our physical body here on earth. Adam was to control and subdue the earth by the words of his mouth, using his faith – by speaking things into existence.

Through the redemption of Jesus Christ and by the power in His Name, all believers have authority over the enemy.
